About Cindy Fazzi, Books, Tips, Writing cindyfazzi About Cindy Fazzi, Books, Tips, Writing cindyfazzi

How to Use Food in Your Novel: “In His Corner” Date-Night Recipes

You can make your novel come to life by engaging the reader using all five senses—sight, touch, smell, sound, and taste. You don’t have to be a foodie to indulge your reader’s sense of taste. I no longer remember much of “Chocolat” by Joanna Harris about a chocolate-shop owner in a small French village and “The Book of Salt” by Monique Truong about a Vietnamese cook, but I do remember their effective use of food. It’s a lesson I’ve kept in mind all these years.

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About Cindy Fazzi, Publishing cindyfazzi About Cindy Fazzi, Publishing cindyfazzi

Forbes Article: 3 Career Reinvention Tips From A Reporter Turned Romance Writer

A Forbes article titled "3 Career Reinvention Tips From A Reporter Turned Romance Writer" coincided with the one-month countdown to the release of my debut romance book, “In His Corner.” The article, featured on the magazine’s Personal Finance blog, described my long journey toward publication. It also offered three tips for career reinvention.

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About Cindy Fazzi, Books, Publishing cindyfazzi About Cindy Fazzi, Books, Publishing cindyfazzi

The Art of a Book Cover: “In His Corner”

What was your first thought when you saw this book cover? I hope it’s fighter or sports or romance or sexy or just plain sizzling hot guy! My debut romance, In His Corner (published under my pen name Vina Arno), features an Olympic gold-medalist boxer known as the Juggernaut. For all of his ferocious power inside the ring, he melts at the sight of the beautiful doctor who treats his injuries.

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4 Reasons for Using a Pen Name: Why I’m Using a Pseudonym

When my novella, “In His Corner,” is published by Lyrical Press, the book won’t carry my name but my pseudonym—Vina Arno. It’s going to be my first book-length work of fiction, so some people are asking: Why use a pen name? I’ll explain below. I also looked up other writers who used pseudonyms—from Agatha Christie to Stephen King—and came up with four good reasons for using a pen name.

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