Cindy Fazzi

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Common Mistakes about 12 Common Phrases

It’s easy to have peace of mind (not piece of mind) when you’re relaxing on this gorgeous beach on Maui (Photo by Cindy Fazzi).

Hear, hear—don’t write “here, here” if you’re referring to the phrase expressing approval. Don’t take my word for it, check out the dictionary. The expression, which goes back to the 17th century, is short for “hear this, hear this.”

Many common phrases are also subject to common mistakes. I rounded up 12 of these easily confused phrases. Take note of them, especially if you’re a writer.

#1 Wrong: Another thing coming

Right: Another think coming

#2 Wrong: By in large

Right: By and large

#3 Wrong: Case and point

Right: Case in point

#4 Wrong: Cut and dry

Right: Cut and dried

#5 Wrong: Extract revenge

Right: Exact revenge (Exact means to demand, while extract means to take out.)

#6 Wrong: Here, here!

Right: Hear, hear!

#7 Wrong: Mute point

Right: Moot point (Moot means doubtful, while mute means silent.)

#8 Wrong: One in the same

Right: One and the same

#9 Wrong: Piece of mind (This doesn’t refer to serenity.)

Right:Peace of mind

#10 Wrong: Shoe-in

Right: Shoo-in

#11 Wrong: Slight of hand

Right:Sleight of hand

#12 Wrong: Wet your appetite

Right:Whet your appetite

Read this related article:

The Persistent Misuse of “Enormity” and 27 Other Commonly Confused Words

Note: I’ve updated this post, first published on my old blog on Feb. 24, 2016, from a list of 10 to 12 common mistakes.