Cindy Fazzi

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Free Platform for Unpublished Writers

Are you looking for a literary agent? Are you trying to get your book published? WEbook, a publishing platform and online community for writers, was recently re-launched under new ownership.

Through WEbook, you can do the following:

AgentInbox: You can send queries to participating literary agents through this section of the Web site. You’ll be able to track your submissions and you’ll get automatic notification when an agent responds to your query. Also, some agents whose Web sites say they’re closed to queries will actually accept them through this platform.

PagetoFame: You can submit opening pages of your manuscript or short stories, and readers will rate them. If your manuscript is popular, you will get to move on to the next round (there are four rounds) and submit more pages. This gives you a chance to test your audience and get a feel for what readers like. WEbook publishes the most popular manuscripts.

Get Feedback: If you don’t want to “compete” via PagetoFame, but just want some feedback, you can post your manuscript for comments, and you can also provide feedback to other writers.

WEbook hosts all kinds of writing: fiction, nonfiction, screenplays, and poetry. It has published seven books so far. It boasts of 140,000 registered users. I started using WEbook back in 2010 when it required a small fee to register. But now you can use the platform for free!  So check it out and take advantage of its offerings.